At IVC, our mission is to promote inclusion, foster cooperation, build networks, and advance studies and research. We bring people together, regardless of their differences, and create inclusive environments where everyone’s unique qualities are celebrated. Through comprehensive training programs, we empower individuals to enhance personal growth and actively contribute to society. Our extensive network of international relationships fuels our success, enabling collaboration, knowledge sharing, and meaningful impact. We are committed to staying at the forefront of knowledge and innovation through studies, research, and leveraging information technology. Join us on our transformative journey towards a more inclusive, cooperative, and connected world.

About us
Who We Are
IVC was created to enhance the role of research and innovation. The use of technology is increasingly influencing our lives. The role of research and the know-how of people makes the difference. It may seem strange but research and innovation can influence our choices, our way of doing, our daily actions.
What We Do
IVC works primarily on educational actions, prevention and raising awareness actions, educational activities and support to policy reforms, structured dialogue, cultural exchanges, and large-scale events, activities related to the empowerment of groups at social risk or marginalized groups, transnational cooperation actions.
We offer training experiences and career counselling.
We promote personal growth processes based on autonomy and responsibility.
We encourage personal development and active citizen participation in society.
We want to help bring people together regardless of their differences that are, often, reason for exclusion from different social contexts
We value the peculiarities, the know-how, the history and traditions of each person because everyone can contribute to improve the other’s lives.
It really change our lives: training is the basic element of our present and of the people with whom we relate.
Solidarity is real when we share: our success is the network of international relationships that are our bunisess’ lifeblood