About us

The general mission of NGOs is to enhance the role of culture, training and innovation starting from the action of the individual. Among other international mobility activities, IVC carries out information and training projects and actions. It offers its experience regarding opportunities abroad for work, internships, study and volunteering. Professionals with extensive experience, matured at an international level, take care of information activities, elaboration and coordination of projects. It responds to information and training needs with the most appropriate methods for the needs of institutions, both for duration and frequency, in the classroom or at a distance, with multimedia tools or on traditional supports.
IVC operates mainly on educational, prevention and raising awareness actions, educational activities and support to policy reforms, structured dialogue, cultural exchanges, and large-scale events, activities linked to the reinforcement of social risk groups or marginalized groups, transnational cooperation actions.
It is included in a relevant international network with foreign and Italian partners (ministries, universities, professional training bodies, social partners) in the context of projects funded by the European Union.

The general mission of NGOs is to enhance the role of culture, training and innovation starting from the action of the individual. Among other international mobility activities, IVC carries out information and training projects and actions. It offers its experience regarding opportunities abroad for work, internships, study and volunteering. Professionals with extensive experience, matured at an international level, take care of information activities, elaboration and coordination of projects. It responds to information and training needs with the most appropriate methods for the needs of institutions, both for duration and frequency, in the classroom or at a distance, with multimedia tools or on traditional supports.
IVC operates mainly on educational, prevention and raising awareness actions, educational activities and support to policy reforms, structured dialogue, cultural exchanges, and large-scale events, activities linked to the reinforcement of social risk groups or marginalized groups, transnational cooperation actions.
It is included in a relevant international network with foreign and Italian partners (ministries, universities, professional training bodies, social partners) in the context of projects funded by the European Union.