Go digital (Increasing adult educators’ competencies to encourage female employment in the digital sector of the labour market) is a KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education project with a total duration of 26 months. The applicant organisation is Lietuvos moteru lobistine organizacija from Lithuania. The project partners are MAGENTA CONSULTORIA PROJECTS SL from Spain, CENTER FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION LTD from Cyprus DANMAR COMPUTERS SP ZOO from Poland, Viesoji istaiga Informacijos technologiju mokymo centras from Lithuania and us.
We will provide training on gender equality to women in difficult situations, delivers training to adult educators, that encourage them to be inspiring, reduce social isolation and increase self-confidence levels of the adults with fewer opportunities. We will prepares the instructions for selection of the role models, suggests the format for developing their success stories, and organises discussion among partners on how to make the success stories attractive and user-friendly for learners.
The project Go-Digital seeks to contribute to the implementation of the EU strategy “Women in Digital”, to implement actions to facilitate an increase in participation of women in the digital sector, including education to combat gender stereotypes, to enable, encourage and motivate female to participate in the digital sector of the labour market. The project also contributes to achieve Europe 2020 benchmarks: to increase employment rate by 75%; to raise the participation of adults in lifelong learning by 15%.
The project’s aim is to encourage recognition of adult educators’ competences to be a coach for motivating disadvantaged women to get employment in the digital sector.