“YEP – Youth Empowerment and Participation” is a European project co-funded by the ERASMUS + programme and implemented by a consortium of partner organizations from Romania (In Varietate Concordia), Italy (Sinergie), Spain (Artifex Balear) and Sweden (Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid).
The project, which started in June 2022 and will last until May 2024, has been conceived on the needs highlighted by the consortium in their countries and regions. The partners conducted need analyses and recognized three main issues characterizing youth population in Europe: poverty and social exclusion, access to services, participation and empowerment.
Participation and empowerment must be an all-encompassing element of any inclusive youth policy, especially in the current context of youth disengagement and disenchantment with democratic processes and growing social malaise in many countries. There is a clear need to engage more directly in dialogue and empowerment processes, at the macro (policy and decision making) and micro (personal, social development) levels, as well as in social and cultural participation. However, these opportunities are not always available.
Among other aims, the project is expected to achieve 3 results:
Facilitator Guide and Toolkit for the Workshop on Engaging Political Decision Makers
Creation and optimization of Y-NET Platform
Digital Youth Lab: Consultation on youth participation and future development strategies: benefits and barriers.
All 3 project results will be available in all project partners’ languages: English, Italian, Romanian, Spanish and Swedish.